Monday was definitely one of
those days. But even bad days can harbor good things. Monday I completed a trade with my friend and fellow artist,
Luis Mario Sarmiento. He agreed to give his rendition of Rodney and I was asked to illustrate my interpenetration of his own original character,
Lucy. I'm very happy with how it came out.

If you're a fan of Luis' work like I am, his
DeviantArt page is full of fantastic original characters, illustrations, and comics. He also updates a weekly webcomic featuring his two original characters, Seth and Poncho.
Check it out.As for me, I've been busy working my life away as usual. My friend from work mentioned to me a few weeks ago that we should get a design together and try to make some vinyl figures. I of course jumped at the opportunity.

Behold the Bunnapuss! Half bunny and half Octopuss brought together by pure love...and a staple gun! He's currently being sculpted in 3D by yours truly. And who knows...if I can get the hang of molding and casting you all might see some more vinyl figures down the way...

Maybe ;).