This Friday I'll be heading over to Fisher Price in the good ol' Big Apple. Something along the lines of a vendor fair and I'll be at Ideology's booth administering a Maya demo! Should be a fun experience....if I'm awake for it. The 5:45 a.m. train ride out of Providence to New York City probably won't have me firing on all cylinders.

I originally intended to get started on a sweet looking Rodney model, but it was decided a licensed character would be the better choice. :'(
Great looking turnarounds. Have a safe trip on Friday and have a blast.
wow! your work are really great ;)
Yes good work!
Man you should do a model of this guy anyway. This is a great turnaround.
Beautiful sketches !! Good work Dennis! =)
Thanks all for the comments! I will absolutely be sculpting a 3D model of Rodney once I find a PC that dosen't crap itself when I try and open Photoshop, let alone Maya hah.
This is such a cute character...awesome!!!
Good work man! ;)
I really dig this guy, love the design of his face!
Thanks for the kind words on my blog mate. With regards my last image, Im just not happy how it turned out for the amount of time I spent on it! I relapsed into specific before general again.. bad ken! It took maybe a couple of hours. I was aiming for one.
Anyhoo! cheers again, will be back
Right on, Ken!
I find myself doing the same thing on some drawings. Rather then focusing on the piece as a whole, I'll noodle a certain area of it forever. A bad habit we must break!
Keep in touch!
How was the trip to New York?
Sounds like your work affords you some really amazing and interesting opportunities. Love your work.
Take care
Nice work Dennis
Great work!
perfect man!!!! your jon is fantastic!!!
sorry your *job!!! hehe
Hey there! Just wanted to say thanks for the comment on my blog! I love your designs and especially LOVE your antagonists!! Which says a lot about you. It's not easy to invent such an appealing villain that breaks away from the traditional pattern of evil. GREAT work! Post more! Post more!! :)
that line is perfect!
This is a great turnaround.Beautiful sketches.
PPC Advertising India
great design!
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